GlobEmission Gallery
For GlobEmission, VITO developed an operational service for high resolution (0.05 degree) NOx emission maps for South Africa. These maps are the result of a proto-type downscaling and optimization algorithm applied on satellite based regional NOx emission estimates (0.25 degree resolution), provided by KNMI. The algorithm was applied on annual and monthly emission data for 2009, 2010, and 2011. The resulting high resolution maps can be accessed here. The nature of the approach allows application in different regions with limited efforts, which will be done in the near future for Qatar, Middle-East.
Isoprene is the most largely emitted biogenic NMVOC. It is believed to enhance tropospheric ozone formation in polluted areas, leading to smog formation, to decrease the oxidizing capacity of the troposphere, and to contribute to the production of secondary organic aerosols. The first satellite based isoprene emission estimates were presented at the ACCENT Plus Symposium (17-20 Sept, Urbino) [Poster (PDF, 3MB)]
South Africa's economy is rapidly growing. From 2002 to 2012, its gross domestic product grew by about 270 billion US dollars. Unfortunately, a strong economy often leads to high levels of air pollutants which can influence regional air quality and can have an impact on global climate change.
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The final report of GlobEmission for the period 2014-2016 is out.
The 4th GlobEmission User Workshop will be held in Doha, Qatar, on 24-25 November 2015.