Ozone overpass data based on GOME-2B

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Overpass data of level 4 ozone data from TM3DAM-GOME-2B

The following table lists the places in alphabetic order.

Some further notes regarding the data file are given below the table.


station/place name
longitude latitude altitude Comment
Aberystwyth -4.067 52.484 138 SAOZ
Adelaide 138.620 -34.920 42 TBC
Aire_sur_Adour -0.250 43.700 75 SAOZ
Akedala 88.050 47.440 600 TBC
Alice_Springs 133.900 -23.800 545 TBC
Amberd 44.250 40.380 2070 stn410
Amundsen-scott -24.800 -89.983 2810 stn111
Andoya 16.180 69.280 104 SAOZ
Angra_do_Heroismo -27.223 38.659 74 stn327
Arosa 9.680 46.780 1840 stn035
Arrival_heights 166.670 -77.830 184 stn268
Aswan 32.783 23.967 195 stn245
Athens 23.730 37.980 280 stn293
Bangkok 100.612 13.667 53 stn216
Barrow -156.600 71.317 11 stn199
Bauru -49.027 -22.347 640 SAOZ
Beijing_NSMC 116.320 39.950 59 TBC
Belgrano -34.633 -77.867 255 stn314
Bismarck -100.750 46.767 511 stn019
Bordeaux -0.533 44.500 73 SAOZ
Boulder -105.250 40.030 1689 stn067
Bremen 8.850 53.104 -9999 DOAS
Brisbane 153.130 -27.390 4 stn027
Brno 16.598 49.204 245 request
Bucharest 26.130 44.480 100 stn226
Budapest-lorinc 19.183 47.433 139 stn100
Buenos_Aires -58.483 -34.581 25 stn091
Cabauw 4.926 51.970 0 DOAS
Cachoeira_Paulista -45.573 -22.683 573 stn200
Cairo 31.280 30.080 37 stn152
Camborne -5.317 50.217 88 stn036
Caribou -68.030 46.867 192 stn020
Casey 110.527 -66.282 20 TBC
Cheju 126.500 33.500 300 stn444
Chengkung 121.365 23.099 100 stn306
Chiang_Mai 98.969 18.771 -9999 ThaiMetOf
Comodoro_Rivadavia -67.500 -45.783 43 stn342
Darwin 130.890 -12.420 30 stn084
Davis 77.973 -68.577 16 stn450
De_Bilt 5.180 52.100 15 stn316
Djougou 1.741 9.647 439 SAOZ
Dome_C 123.350 -75.100 3250 SAOZ
Dumont_dUrville 140.017 -66.666 45 SAOZ
El_Arenosillo -6.733 37.100 41 stn213
Eureka -86.416 80.053 623 SAOZ
Evora_Observatory -7.900 38.560 249 TBC
Fairbanks -147.867 64.817 138 stn105
Faraday_Station -64.258 -65.246 7 stn232
Funchal -16.892 32.647 49 stn287
Gap 6.030 44.450 606 SAOZ
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 11.067 47.483 740 stn215
Goddard -76.833 38.990 100 stn447
Gonghe 100.620 36.267 2828 stn304
Graciosa_Island -28.026 39.092 32 stn327?
Halley_Bay -26.600 -75.583 36 stn057
Hanford -119.633 36.317 73 stn341
Hanoi 105.850 21.033 5 stn330
Haute_Provence 5.712 43.935 683 SAOZ
Havana -82.550 23.280 50 stn311
Helsinki 24.961 60.203 27 FMI
Hilo -155.067 19.577 11 stn109
Hohenpeissenberg 11.010 47.801 975 stn099
Hong_Kong 114.200 22.267 113 stn398
Hradec_Kralove 15.833 50.183 285 stn096
Hurghada 33.750 27.280 7 stn409
Irene 28.217 -25.920 1523 stn265
Isfahan 51.720 32.470 1550 stn336
Ispra_Varese 8.627 45.803 240 stn301
Issyk-kul 76.980 42.620 1640 stn347
Jokioinen 23.499 60.814 103 stn404
Jungfraujoch 7.984 46.548 3600 SAOZ
Kagoshima 130.500 31.600 283 stn007
Kamphaeng_Phet 99.523 16.483 -9999 ThaiMetOf
Kaunas 23.500 54.530 77 stn312
Kerguelen_Islands 70.256 -49.352 36 SAOZ
King_George_Island -58.904 -62.185 10 stn351
Kingston_Australia 147.290 -42.990 63 TBC
Kiruna 21.067 67.881 330 SAOZ
Ko_Samui 100.014 9.512 -9999 ThaiMetOF
Kunming 102.683 25.030 1917 stn209
Kyiv-Goloseyev 30.497 50.364 206 stn498
La_Coruna -8.420 43.330 62 stn405
Lauder 169.683 -45.030 370 stn256
Leon -5.650 42.580 900 SAOZ
Lerwick -1.180 60.130 82 stn043
Lhasa 91.130 29.670 3650 stn349
Linan 119.730 30.300 132 stn325
Lindenberg 14.121 52.209 127 stn174
Lisbon -9.128 38.766 105 stn082
Longfengshan 127.585 44.727 334 stn326
Luancheng 114.68 37.89 50 IAP
Macquarie_Island 158.950 -54.500 10 stn029
Madrid -3.650 40.460 650 Brewer
Marambio -56.624 -64.241 198 stn233
Marcapomacocha -76.324 -11.401 4479 stn429
Mario_Zucchelli 164.113 -74.694 5 TBC
Mauna_Loa -155.576 19.536 3400 stn031
Mawson 62.871 -67.604 5 TBC
Melbourne 144.840 -37.680 132 stn253
Melpitz 12.926 51.525 84 request
Mendel_Ross_Island -57.883 -63.801 9 request
Mexico_City -99.183 19.333 2268 stn192
Mirny 93.009 -66.553 30 stn088
Mohe 122.310 52.580 744 TBC
Moscow_Kosino 37.930 55.720 140 request
Mrsa_Matrouh 27.220 31.330 35 stn376
Murcia -1.170 38.000 69 stn346
Naha 127.690 26.210 28 stn190
Nairobi 36.803 -1.271 1795 stn175
Nanjing_NUIST 118.717 32.207 55 NUIST
Nashville -86.567 36.250 182 stn106
Natal -35.210 -5.840 32 stn219
Neumayer -8.236 -70.646 42 stn323
Newcastle_NSW 151.720 -32.900 40 TBC
New_Delhi 77.217 28.650 220 stn010
Norrkoping 16.150 58.580 43 stn279
North_Pole 0.000 89.999 0 new
Novi_Sad 19.853 45.245 84 microtops
Novolasarevskaya 11.867 -70.767 110 stn280
Ny_Alesund 11.883 78.908 5 SAOZ
Oslo 10.717 59.938 90 stn165
Palmer_Station -64.053 -64.774 5 TBC
Paramaribo -55.210 5.810 7 stn435
Paris_SAOZ 2.346 48.846 63 SAOZ
Payerne 6.943 46.813 491 stn156
Perth 115.959 -31.922 2 stn159
Petaling_Jaya 101.645 3.102 86 stn322
Pohang 129.383 36.033 5 stn332
Poona 73.850 18.533 559 stn187
Poprad-Ganovce 20.320 49.030 706 stn331
Potsdam 13.050 52.220 89 stn050
Princess_Elisabeth 23.35 -71.95 1350 stn499
Punta_Arenas -70.850 -53.140 3 stn473
Quetta 66.570 30.110 1721 stn011
Resolute -94.980 74.720 64 stn024
Reunion_Island 55.484 -20.901 110 SAOZ
Rio_Gallegos -69.319 -51.601 15 SAOZ
Rothera -68.130 -67.570 5 SAOZ
Salekhard 66.676 66.531 137 SAOZ
Salto -57.966 -31.433 41 stn343
Samoa -170.560 -14.250 82 stn191
Sanae -2.840 -71.670 850 SAOZ
San_Martin -67.106 -68.130 30 stn454
Sanya 109.310 18.140 5 TBC
Sapporo 141.330 43.060 19 stn012
Scoresbysund -21.952 70.485 67 SAOZ
Seoul 126.980 37.570 84 stn252
Shangdianzi 117.070 40.390 242 TBC
Singapore 103.883 1.333 14 stn214
Sodankyla 26.633 67.368 170 SAOZ
Sofia 23.383 42.817 588 stn132
Songkhla 100.600 7.200 13 stn345
Springbok 17.900 -29.667 1006 stn340
St._Petersburg_Voyeykovo 30.702 59.953 68 stn042
Sydney 151.100 -34.040 39 TBC
Syowa 39.580 -69.010 22 stn101
Taipei 121.514 25.038 22 stn095
Tamanrasset 5.520 22.800 1382 stn002
Tarawa 172.923 1.355 10 SAOZ
Tarija -64.721 -21.543 1887 request
Tengchong 98.290 25.070 2186 TBC
Thessaloniki 22.970 40.520 50 stn261
Thule -68.780 76.540 35 SAOZ
Toronto -79.390 43.660 170 SAOZ
Townsville 146.760 -19.330 40 TBC
Tsukuba 140.130 36.060 31 stn014
Ubon_Ratchathani 104.869 15.246 -9999 ThaiMetOf
Uccle 4.350 50.800 100 stn053
Ushuaia -68.280 -54.850 17 stn339
Valentia_Observatory -10.250 51.930 14 stn318
Varanasi 83.030 25.317 76 stn074
Varna 27.950 43.210 5 TBC
Verrieres_Le_Buisson 2.244 48.755 202 SAOZ
Vindeln 19.770 64.240 225 stn284
Vostok 106.837 -78.464 3500 stn281
Waliguan 100.898 36.287 3810 stn295
Wallops_Island -75.483 37.933 13 stn107
Xianghe 116.96 39.75 95 stn208
XingLong 117.58 40.38 960 marcopolo
Yakutsk 129.720 62.020 100 stn123
Yucheng 116.57 36.83 23 IAP
Zaragoza -0.912 41.628 250 stn411
Zhigansk 123.351 66.793 200 SAOZ
Zhongshan 76.380 -69.370 11 stn478


The list in the table above gives for each ground station the geographical coordinates (in degrees) If there is no ground station known in a place listed above, the coordinates are those of the inhabited place.

The data files give for each day:


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