Click to enlarge   Arctic ozone at 26 Jul 2024
 minimum: - DU
located at:  
 ozone loss: - kiloton
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8 Day Forecast  (show last 8 days)

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27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug

The total ozone columns, derived in near-real time from observations by the satellite instrument GOME-2 (and SCIAMACHY in past), are used as an input for a data assimilation program which provides global ozone fields for today and a forecast for the coming days.




The depth of the ozone hole is the lowest ozone column value in Dobson Units (DU) for latitudes above 30° North. The size of the ozone hole is the area on the globe in million square km of ozone column values below 220 DU. The ozone loss is the amount of ozone in megaton necessary to fill the ozone hole to 220 DU over the whole area

  Ronald van der A, Bas Mijling
© KNMI/TEMIS, 2019