Daily Erythemal UV dose

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UV archive

Daily UV dose:   erythemal  |  vitamin-D  |  DNA-damage

Clear-sky UV index:   erythemal


Individual days


Date range:
01 Jul 2002
-- 14 Sep 2024

data since

22 Jan 2004

Info on availability
of cloud-modified
UV dose data

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Erythemal UV dose of 05 August 2005

(click on image to enlarge)
cloud-modified cloud-free
UV dose of 05 August 2005 UV dose of 05 August 2005
UV dose of 05 August 2005 UV dose of 05 August 2005
UV dose of 05 August 2005 UV dose of 05 August 2005
UV dose of 05 August 2005 UV dose of 05 August 2005
download the data :  daily HDF-4 file  |  yearly netCDF file


last modified: 26 August 2024
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