UV index and UV dose: HDF-4 data file structure
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HDF-4 data file structure
The daily data of UV index and UV dose fields is stored in daily HDF-4 data files.This page describes the format of the daily HDF-4 files with daily data.
The yearly netCDF files with daily data are described here.
These files can be downloaded from the individual archive pages of both the
operational and the MSR-2 processing.Simply said, such a file has the following structure:
- File header, with the global attributes
these specify the product name, data, version, units, etc.- Data sets:
Note that the UV and ozone data are stored as scaled integers.
- Clear-sky UV index or UV dose field
- Error on the clear-sky UV index or UV dose field
- Cloud-modified UV dose field -- if available
- Error on the cloud-modified UV dose field -- if available
- Ozone data underlying the UV data
- Latitude and longitude of grid cell centres
There are several tools around on the web for viewing and treating HDF-4 files, notably at the The HDF Group Home Page. Software for viewing and reading HDF-4 files is available at the HDF(4) tools page, where you can find a binary distributions for several operating systems (UNIX, Linux, Windows). See in particular the HDF tools by catergory overview, and the HDFview program. Furthermore, it is relative easy to convert HDF-4 to the more common HDF-5 format; see this page.
Daily UV index & UV dose HDF-4 data file structureThe following table gives as an overview of the HDF-4 file structure for daily UV index & UV dose data in two sections:
Per entry multiple lines are used to list the different possibilities, where:
* Entries with white background are UV index entries
* Entries with blue background are UV dose entries
* Entries with page colour background are entries for both
Global attribute Value
* YYYY, MM, DD = product dateProduct Erythemal UV index Product Erythemal UV dose (kJ/m2)
Vitamin-D UV dose (kJ/m2)
DNA-damage UV dose (kJ/m2)Product_date YYYY, MM, DD Product_date_format year, month, day Product_filename uviefYYYYMMDD.hdf Product_filename uvdecYYYYMMDD.hdf
uvddcYYYYMMDD.hdfProduct_version [1] 2.x Cloud_info Cloud-free datasets only Cloud_info Cloud-free & cloud-modified datasets Cloud_modification Derived from MSG CPP surface downwelling solar radiation (SDS) data
No data available: cloud-modification datasets are emptyUV_data_website http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/UVindex.html UV_data_website http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/UVdose.html UV_data_description http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/product/ Authors M. van Weele & J. van Geffen Affiliation KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) weelevm@knmi.nl & geffen@knmi.nl Data_created_by TM3-DAM, version 4.3 & temisuv, version {Product_version} Ozone_data_source TEMIS operational ozone processing, started 01 July 2002 Number_of_longitudes 1440 Longitude_range -179.8750, 179.8750 Longitude_step 0.25 Number_of_latitudes 720 Latitude_range -89.87500,89.87500 Latitude_step 0.2500000 Earth-Sun_factor 0.9690452 AOD_368nm 0.3 Aerosol_ssa 0.9 UVI_field Erythemal UV index UVI_error Error on the Erythemal UV index UVI_units 1 [ 1 UV index unit equals 25 mW/m2 ] UVI_scale_factor 0.001 UVD_cloud-free Cloud-free Erythemal UV dose
Cloud-free Vitamin-D UV dose
Cloud-free DNA-damage UV doseUVD_cloud-free_error Error on the cloud-free Erythemal UV dose
Error on the cloud-free Vitamin-D UV dose
Error on the cloud-free DNA-damage UV doseUVD_cloud-modified Cloud-modified Erythemal UV dose
Cloud-modified Vitamin-D UV dose
Cloud-modified DNA-damage UV doseUVD_cloud-modified_error Error on the cloud-modified Erythemal UV dose
Error on the cloud-modified Vitamin-D UV dose
Error on the cloud-modified DNA-damage UV doseUVD_units kJ/m2 UVD_scale_factor 0.001 Cloud_modification_factor Daily average of the cloud modification factor Cloud_modification_units 1 Cloud_modification_scale_factor 0.001 Ozone_column Assimilated ozone field at local noon Ozone_units Dobson units (DU) Ozone_scale_factor 0.1 Surface_albedo GOME-2A based 0.25x0.25 degree surface albedo at 340nm,
interpolated to Product_dateSurface_albedo_version Product algorithm version 2.1 or 3.1 Surface_albedo_data http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/product/albedo.php Surface_albedo_correction (1.0-0.25*0.09)/(1.0-0.25*albedo) [ w.r.t De Bilt=0.09 ] Surface_elevation GMTED2010 elevation data regridded at 0.250 degree resolution Surface_elevation_data http://temis.nl/data/gmted2010/ Product_code [2] tiefdv Product_code [2] tdecdv
tddcdvData set
AttributeRank --> dimensions
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Erythemal UV index
1 [ 1 UV index unit equals 25 mW/m2 ]
-1000 * scale_factorUVI_error
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Error on the Erythemal UV index
1 [ 1 UV index unit equals 25 mW/m2 ]
-1000 * scale_factorUVD_cloud-free
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Cloud-free Erythemal UV index
Cloud-free Vitamin-D UV index
Cloud-free DNA-damage UV index
-1000 * scale_factorUVD_cloud-free_error
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Error on the cloud-free Erythemal UV index
Error on the cloud-free Vitamin-D UV index
Error on the cloud-free DNA-damage UV index
-1000 * scale_factorUVD_cloud-modified
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Cloud-modified Erythemal UV index
Cloud-modified Vitamin-D UV index
Cloud-modified DNA-damage UV index
-1000 * scale_factorUVD_cloud-modified_error
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Error on the cloud-modified Erythemal UV index
Error on the cloud-modified Vitamin-D UV index
Error on the cloud-modified DNA-damage UV index
-1000 * scale_factorCloud_modification_factor
No_data_value2 --> 1440 x 720
Daily average of the cloud modification factor
-1000 * scale_factorOzone_column
Scale_factor2 --> 1440 x 720
Assimilated ozone field at local noon
Dobson units (DU)
Step1 --> 720
Latitudes of grid cell centres
degrees north
Step1 --> 720
Longitudes of grid cell centres
degrees east
0.25 Notes on data storage
The UV and ozone data are stored as scaled integers; the scale factor is listed
in the global and the dataset attributes: 1000 for the UV data and 10 for the
ozone data. These data is stored as 16-bit integers, to reduce file size.
The maximum number that fits in 16-bit integers is +32767, allowing for UV
index and daily UV dose values of up to 32, values which we assumed that
would not occur.
The ozone dat prior to the year 1979 has not been validated thoroughly and
should therefore be treated with care: the resulting UV index and daily UV
dose values are not reliable. It turns out that prior to 1979 the UV data may
show unrealistically(!) high values, even exceeding the value of 32.767, i.e.
exceeding the maximum number stored in the 16-bit integer, as a result of
which large negative values, e.g. -32.672, may appear. Given that a value
of -1.0 is used as fill value in case of no data, the recipe is as follows:
if UVval < -1 then UVval_corrected = 65.536 + UVval
For example: UVval = -32.672 means UVval_corrected = 32.864
last modified: 20 July 2022
data product contact:
Jos van Geffen & Michiel van Weele &
Ronald van der A
Copyright © KNMI / TEMIS