UV index and UV dose: data product code
data version 2.x

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UV radiation

UV index
UV dose

Main data product description page

Data product code

The list of global attributes in the in the daily HDF-4 data files and the yearly netCDF files contains an entry called product_code. This is a 6-character string introduced for easier post-processing of the data.

#char code meaning
1 o source of the ozone data: *
t= TEMIS operational ozone processing, started 01 July 2002
m= Multi-Sensor Re-analysis (MSR) ozone record
2 k kind of UV data product:
i= UV index
d= UV dose
3 a action spectrum:
e= Erythemal
v= Vitamin-D
d= DNA-damage
4 c cloud information:
f= clear-sky data only
c= cloud-modified & clear-sky data
5 t time period of the data: *
d= daily
m= monthly
t= 10-daily
s= seasonally
y= yearly
6 v type of data value: *
v= value
a= average
c= climatology
n= minimum
x= maximum
r= dose rate
  *) not all entries listed are currently available


last modified: 19 November 2024
data product contact: Jos van Geffen & Michiel van Weele & Ronald van der A
Copyright © KNMI / TEMIS