Daily Erythemal UV dose

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UV archive

Daily UV dose:   erythemal  |  vitamin-D  |  DNA-damage

Clear-sky UV index:   erythemal


Individual days


Date range:
01 Jul 2002
-- 10 Sep 2024

data since

22 Jan 2004

Info on availability
of cloud-modified
UV dose data

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Erythemal UV dose of 06 June 2009

(click on image to enlarge)
cloud-modified cloud-free
UV dose of 06 June 2009 UV dose of 06 June 2009
UV dose of 06 June 2009 UV dose of 06 June 2009
[ Plot for DC region not available ] UV dose of 06 June 2009
UV dose of 06 June 2009 UV dose of 06 June 2009
download the data :  daily HDF-4 file  |  yearly netCDF file


last modified: 26 August 2024
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