Clear-sky UV index and ozone
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UV index forecast at your location  |  UV index archive

Clicking on a place name in the list below returns the forecasts of the UV index and the total ozone column for a user-specified location at local solar noon of today and the coming few days for clear-sky conditions and in the absence of snow.

You can also select these places from a clickable map.

Note that retrieving the data takes a few seconds.

Places A-E lon lat
Azores Islands -27.00 39.00
Adelaide 138.34 -34.55
Algiers 3.00 36.50
Amsterdam 4.90 52.35
Anchorage -149.48 61.12
Ankara 32.83 39.92
Antananarivo 47.50 -18.87
Athens 23.73 37.90
Auckland 174.45 -36.53
Baghdad 44.22 33.14
Bangkok 100.29 13.50
Bayrut 35.50 33.87
Beijing 116.23 39.55
Berlin 13.24 52.31
Bermuda -64.75 32.33
Bombay 72.50 18.88
Bordeaux -0.70 44.83
Boulder -105.19 40.02
Brasilia -47.67 -16.00
Bremen 8.80 53.08
Brisbane 153.00 -27.50
Bruxelles 4.33 50.83
Buenos Aires -58.30 -34.20
Cairo 31.17 30.00
Calcutta 88.22 22.32
Cape Town 18.28 -33.48
Caracas -66.58 10.30
Casablanca -7.41 33.32
Chengdu 104.10 30.62
Chicago -87.37 41.49
Colombo 80.00 8.00
Copenhagen 12.27 55.43
Crete 25.01 35.51
Cyprus 32.81 34.71
Dallas -96.48 32.45
Darwin 132.00 -12.50
De Bilt 5.18 52.10
Djakarta 106.45 -6.17
Dublin -6.15 53.20
Durban 31.00 -29.88
Places F-M lon lat
Faraday -64.30 -65.30
Faro -7.99 37.01
Frankfurt 8.40 50.07
Geneva 6.15 46.22
Glasgow -4.25 55.92
Hanoi 105.67 21.00
Havana -82.33 23.08
Hawai -155.00 20.00
Helsinki 24.53 60.10
Hong Kong 115.00 21.45
Honolulu -157.50 21.18
Kiruna 20.22 67.85
Kitt Peak -111.58 31.95
Kos 27.32 36.88
Kuala-Lumpur 102.00 3.11
Labska Bouda 15.55 50.76
Lagos -3.24 6.27
Lahore 74.18 32.00
Las Palmas -16.15 27.90
Lauder 169.70 -45.00
Lima -76.55 -12.06
Lisbon -9.17 38.67
London -0.07 51.30
Los Angeles -118.02 35.12
Madeira -16.96 32.81
Madrid -3.42 40.26
Malaga -4.49 36.69
Mallorca 2.70 39.60
Malta 14.48 35.85
Manila 120.97 14.62
McMurdo Station 166.60 -77.90
Melbourne 145.00 -37.83
Mexico -99.09 19.28
Miami -80.00 25.50
Montreal -73.60 45.50
Moscow 37.37 55.45
Places N-Z lon lat
Neumayer 8.40 -70.60
New Delhi 77.18 24.42
New Orleans -90.07 29.95
New York -75.00 43.00
Nice 7.05 43.25
Novosibirsk 82.58 55.09
Oslo 11.08 60.20
Paramaribo -55.21 5.81
Paris 2.32 48.83
Perth 115.82 -31.97
Punta Arenas -70.93 -53.17
Rio de Janeiro -43.20 -22.27
Rio Gallegos -69.32 -51.60
Rome 12.23 41.80
Reykjavik -21.97 64.15
St. Petersburg 30.30 59.57
Sainte-Lucie -60.86 13.90
Salzburg 13.05 47.80
San Francisco -122.26 37.45
Santiago -70.40 -33.26
Sapporo 141.50 43.00
Seoul 127.03 37.35
Seychelles 55.67 -4.58
Shanghai 121.27 31.14
Singapore 103.45 1.22
Stockholm 18.08 59.33
Sulaimaniya 45.43 35.55
Sydney 151.17 -33.55
T'aipei 121.38 25.02
Tehran 51.43 35.67
Tenerife -16.54 28.27
Thessaloniki 22.96 40.63
Tokyo 139.44 35.41
Toronto -79.23 43.40
Tunis 10.00 36.80
Uccle 4.40 50.80
Ushuaia -68.30 -54.80
Val-d'Isère 7.00 45.45
Vancouver -123.06 49.16
Venice 12.33 45.43
Vienna 16.37 48.25

The coordinates of these places have been determined with the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names.


last modified: 24 November 2020
data product contact: Jos van Geffen & Ronald van der A
Copyright © KNMI / TEMIS