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OMI surface LER database |
![]() Tropospheric
- global CH2O - global CO - global |
- UV index - UV dose |
- total column - global field - ozone bulletin - ozone profiles - tropospheric |
- ADRE - aerosol index Methane - global CO2 - global Clouds - cloud info Surface - solar irradiance |
Volcanic plume
- SO2 & AAI |
- climatologies Fluorescence - sun-induced |
The OMI surface LER database contains the Lambertian-equivalent
reflectivity (LER) of the Earth's surface at 23 one-nm wide wavelength
bins between 328 and 499 nm. The LER albedo values were derived from OMI
data using the Doubling-Adding KNMI (DAK) polarised radiative transfer
code. The model consists of an atmosphere for which Rayleigh scattering
and ozone absorption are taken into account, and which is bounded below
by a Lambertian surface. The surface LER is available for each month of
the year and for the following wavelengths: 328, 335, 342, 345, 354,
367, 372, 376, 380, 388, 406, 416, 418, 425, 440, 442, 452, 463, 471,
477, 488, 494, and 499 nm.
Two versions of the database have been released in the past. Each
database is available as a single HDF-5 file:
(299 MB)
(299 MB)
The spatial resolution of the database grid is 0.5°×0.5°.
The format and the contents of the database file are both explained here.
Validation of the OMI surface LER climatology based on direct
intercomparison with other surface LER climatologies is described here and here.
Data use /
License / Citation:
The OMI surface LER database is free to use for commercial and
non-commercial purposes. If you use the database for a publication
(research or otherwise), or for any other purpose, please refer to the
following publication:
Q.L. Kleipool, M.R. Dobber, J.F. de Haan, and P.F. Levelt, Earth
surface reflectance climatology from 3 years of OMI data, J.
Geophys. Res. 113, D18308, doi:10.1029/2008JD010290, 2008. (PDF)
We suggest that you include the following acknowledgement: "We
acknowledge the free use of the OMI surface LER database provided by the
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)."