GOME-2 Ozone profiles
GOME-2 Absorbing Aerosol
Global reflectance trend
page last modified:
20 November 2024
The Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) indicates the presence of elevated
absorbing aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere. The aerosol types that are
mostly seen in the AAI are desert dust, biomass burning and volcano ash
aerosols. The
AAIs provided here are derived from the reflectances measured by GOME-2
at 340 and 380 nm (from the Science Channels). The pictures below are updated every 15 minutes and
present the most recent AAI measurements obtained from GOME-2 on MetOP-A from ACSAF data.
Please note that there is sun glint (reflection from the sun on water surfaces to the satellite) and that
this shows up as increased AAI values in the eastern one-third of the swath.
Area VAAC Anchorage
Area VAAC Buenos Aires
Area VAAC Darwin
Area VAAC London
Area VAAC Montreal
Area VAAC Tokyo
Area VAAC Toulouse
Area VAAC Washington
Area VAAC Wellington
The data of the GOME-2 Absorbing Aerosol Index are provided by KNMI in
the framework of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on
Atmospheric Composition Monitoring (AC SAF).
Documentation :
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
- Product Specification Document
AAI Verification Document 2007-2011, issue 1/2012, 10 January 2012 [13 Mb!]
- M. de Graaf, P. Stammes, O. Torres, and R.B.A. Koelemeijer,
Absorbing Aerosol Index: Sensitivity analysis, application to GOME
and comparison with TOMS,
J. Geophys. Res. 110, D010201,
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